As close as possible to IntelliJ WebStorm Darcula theme, (and some improvements) I've tried most of IntelliJ Darcula theme available on VSCode marketplace, none of them is close enough to the WebStorm vibe for my liking, so I decided to create my own. InstallationLanguage Support
ContributionIf you want to add more language support or have any idea to improve syntax highlighting, feel free to make a pull request. Additional highlighting
LimitationSince VSCode relies on textmate scopes as a sector for theme which sometimes cannot differentiate some syntax like WebStorm does. I cannot highlight some syntax, for example, global variables in JS, Generic Type in TS. ResourcesLicenseMIT |
- I prefer working with WebStorm over VSCode, because it speeds up my work and has great features that show me useful information when I need it most. VSCode feels lacking in this aspect. It does come at a price for individual developers, but you should ask yourself if such a small investment is worth the time you save in everyday tasks such as.
- When you change shortcut associations for a predefined keymap (listed in bold), WebStorm creates a copy of that keymap, which you can modify (listed in regular font with an indent below the parent keymap). Keymap scheme actions. Click to select an action for the selected keymap.
- VS Code provides the same functionality as Webstorm/Phpstorm. Free of cost ( thanks to Microsoft for making it Open Source) It is fast. (In fact, faster than Webstorm/Phpstorm and lighter in terms of RAM usage) Lets see how to get this IDE setup.
Webstorm Php
When I switched to Visual Studio Code 12 months ago from PhpStorm I was in love, it was great. However after using VS Code for a year, I see myself switching back and forth between WebStorm and VS Code. The VS Code plugins are great however I notice Prettier, auto importing of components and linking to the definitions often break, and I have to restart VS Code multiple times a week.