You have two package options for building Shiny dashboards: flexdashboard
and shinydashboard
The package include a shiny (dashboard) interface and helps in managing, running, editing and analysing nlmixr models. Although the main focus was to build an interface, many of the package functions are also directly available for usage in an interactive R session. Podcast - DataFramed. Resource Center. Upcoming Events. About 3 years ago. Shiny Dashboard For Stocks Listed On S&P500. Data visualization +1. This is my Shiny Dashboard for stocks listed on S&P500. Using R shiny to give a visualized general insight of market. It handles front-end appearance of the app. The code for the Shiny widgets and style should be placed here. Basically all the desired appearance of the dashboard should be located here. Essential elements for an interactive dashboard are the use of widgets. There are many resources for creating Shiny widgets, for example here. The Shiny Cheat Sheet 20m. The Shiny Gallery 20m. Deploying Apps to 10m. 1 practice exercise. Shiny Basics 10m. Shiny and plotly in Dashboards 3m. Intro to flexdashboard 15m. Xie et al, Section 5.1 15m. Dashboard Layouts 30m.
Shiny Cheat Sheet
Easy interactive dashboards for R that
Shiny Dashboard Box
- use R Markdown to publish a group of related data visualizations as a dashboard,
- support a wide variety of components including htmlwidgets; base, lattice, and grid graphics; tabular data; gauges and value boxes; and text annotations,
- are flexible and easy to specify row and column-based layouts with intelligent re-sizing to fill the browser and adapted for display on mobile devices,
- offer storyboard layouts for presenting sequences of visualizations and related commentary, and
- optionally use Shiny to drive visualizations dynamically.
See documentation and demos on the flexdashboard homepage. Free studio manager download for mac.
See documentation and demos on the shinydashboard homepage. Photo booth mac download. Here, in addition to instructions for getting started, you can also browse example dashboards built with shinydashboard
, along with their source code. Fez game free download mac.
Comparison of two options
flexdashboard | shinydashboard |
R Markdown | Shiny UI code |
Super easy | Not quite as easy |
Static or dynamic | Dynamic |
CSS flexbox layout | Bootstrap grid layout |
Learn more
Shiny Dashboard Cheat Sheet 5e
For more on this topic, see the following resources: